In Karin's first book, "The Gifts of Your Life," we learn to understand and utilize both the significant and minor situations in our lives. It teaches us to fully grasp, see, and feel how much life cares for, loves us, and never gives up on us.
In 2015, after 20 years of personal development and believing she understood life's essence, Karin faced a deeper layer of her demons.
During the darkest times of her soul, still being a spiritual teacher, trainer, and coach at heart, now solely for herself, she co-created this very unique vision of Non-Dual perception - the NEWEX Approach, which rescued her and transformed her life once again.
Through her programs "NEWEX Approach- INNER VOICE POWER," Karin demonstrates how to cultivate this distinctive energy within us that accommodates everything that lives within us, everything that is an expression of ourselves. This energy supports us through every internal process we undergo, be it longing, resistance, disappointment, frustration, love, passion, and beyond.
While "The Gifts of Your Life" shifts our perception of life and our circumstances, "The NEWEX Approach - INNER VOICE POWER" entirely transcends our view of ourselves.
Introducing Karin Masnicza-Etarukot, a distinguished international trainer, spiritual teacher, and coach with over 25 years of experience in coaching individuals and groups.
Karin's distinctive approach emerges from integrating her personal spiritual journey, her extensive work with people, and the profound insights she acquired during her 13 years living in the rich cultural setting of Kenya.
Karin's method, known as the NEWEX-APPROACH - Inner Voice Power, aims to cultivate an attitude that energizes one to become their own most loving friend and supporter.
Under Karin's mentorship, you will master the art of leveraging your Inner Voice Power, thereby transcending the challenges of personal growth. You will begin to relish in your own being and in your actions.
Currently, Karin is working on her second book. In the meantime, she continues to provide trainings that allow participants to access her unique method and cultivate their Inner Voice Power in a natural and seamless manner.
In 2023, she returned to Kenya to establish a retreat center in Watamu, situated in the stunning coastal region, creating a sanctuary for those wishing to immerse themselves in an inspiring setting to reflect, enjoy, and rejuvenate with newfound inspiration.